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The Data ACQuisition SystemTM
driving decisions with data

Save your time and your sanity.

Are you tired of high-cost solutions that require an entire team to manage overly-complex tools that you ultimately end up not using?

DACQS is an integrated web-based platform that lets you manage your users, evaluations, reports, and campaigns through a straightforward and efficient workflow.

Acquire the data you need, to achieve the results you want.

DACQS helps you gain the data and knowledge to fulfill your business needs. It’s not just another survey tool. Its straightforward and efficient workflow lets you focus on what’s important - your data.

DACQS empowers you to create and manage a wide range of data acquisition scenarios:

  • Engagement surveys
  • Permission forms
  • Meeting and event registrations
  • Grant substantiation questionnaires
  • Internal audits
  • Compliance tracking
  • Employee training
  • Evaluations (employee, teacher, product, event, etc)
  • The list goes on...

DACQS gives you what you need.

Are you tired of having to buy the all-terrain sports package just because you want leather seats and seat warmers? So are we. So were our partners. We created DACQS to fill a gap in the industry that our partners desperately needed. Simply put, we don’t make you pay for features that you’ll never use.

What DACQS does for you:

  • Manages your data acquisition
  • Provides a revolutionary and efficient workflow
  • Centralizes your users
  • Organizes your evaluations (surveys, questionnaires, forms, registration, etc)
  • Provides a logical flow to your data collection
  • Simplifies reporting
  • Makes your data-collection life better

Acquire your intelligence. Take control of your data.

Request a demo today.

Phone – 314.842.5150
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